SPS Clubs & Activities


The majority of clubs are run on a voluntary basis by our staff and are therefore free. Clubs can also be run by parents and carers, which adds to the offer of clubs that we can provide for free.  Where we can, we supplement these with external providers who communicate separately and charge for the sessions.

Range of Clubs

We are proud of the varied type and number of clubs we are able to provide at Sevenoaks Primary School. Our core purpose is to offer the children an opportunity to try a variety of different experiences in order for them to find enjoyment from activities that they may wish to pursue further. 

Each year, we look at the range of clubs we offer and aim to get a good balance of sports, performing arts, creative clubs, IT and academic clubs. We also try to offer a variety of clubs for all year groups although, the number of options does increase as the children go up through the school and have the opportunity to belong to clubs that take part in external competitions and events. Our aim is that, the children’s journey through the school will give them the chance to belong to a wide and varied selection of clubs over their time at Sevenoaks Primary School in order that they experience different activities that they might pursue in the future.

Competitive Sports

We are part of a partnership of local schools and take part in the majority of organised competitions and events, such cross country, netball and football leagues and District Sports. At primary school level, if the opportunities arise for teams to be selected, the priority is given to those children that attend these clubs in school first. The rationale being that any children that pursue these outside of school, will be given the chance to take part in events that their external clubs provide. This supports our ethos surrounding inclusion and equality within our school offer.  Most of these competitions are for Year 5 and 6 and as such, the clubs for these sports are aimed at the older children in school. Teams are selected from those that attend regularly. We will aim to put out strong, competitive teams, but will also try to ensure that all children get a chance to compete at some time where possible.

When Clubs Run and Communication of any Changes

Our internal clubs begin in week 4 of the first term, giving us three weeks to communicate what is on offer, get permission, allocate children to clubs and set up registers. From then, the clubs run throughout the year, except the last week before Christmas and then a couple of weeks before the summer holidays, depending on dates. Fee-paying clubs may have different session dates, but they will communicate with you directly.

Some clubs are very popular and in this instance, the club leader will divide the children, offering a number of terms each, so that everyone gets a chance to join in. Other clubs run in different seasons, for example school football and netball in Terms 1-4, cricket in Terms 5-6, whilst other clubs run all throughout the year.

If a member of staff is absent or there is inclement weather, we will try to move or cover the club but it may be necessary to cancel it. In this case, a message will always be sent to the teacher to forward to the class. For clubs before and after school, a text message will also be sent to parents and carers. Whilst we always try to give as much notice as possible, this can be last minute if there is a change in the weather.

Parent and Carer Volunteers

If you have skills or interests in a particular area, and would be interested in running a club this year, we would love to hear from you. We value the input that our parents, carers and wider community can provide when we review and enhance our provision and look to routinely work in partnership with all our stakeholders to continue to provide a rich and varied offer. Clubs can be run before, or after school, or during the lunch break. We would ask that you commit to weekly attendance and, depending on the club, that there are two adults present each week. We would be responsible for obtaining a DBS check for you. 

Clubs List 2023-2024

Clubs List Information