Pupil Premium Information

What is it?

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. It is additional funding, provided by the Government, which all schools receive for supporting disadvantaged children. The aim of this funding is to ensure that these children benefit from the same opportunities as all other children. It is designed to raise achievement and improve outcomes for eligible children.

There are three categories of children that qualify for ‘Pupil Premium’.
Children who are currently eligible for Free School Meals (or have been in the previous six years) 
Looked After Children (LAC) or Post Adoptive Children 
Armed Forces Children

Is my child eligible for Pupil premium?

Please see the guidelines regarding Pupil Premium

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit in order to support the children but we are accountable for how we have used the additional funding and it is important that we can demonstrate impact.

From 2012, we were required to publish online information about how we have used the Premium. This will ensure that parents and others are fully aware of the attainment of children covered by the Premium and the extra support that they receive.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2025 


If you have any questions relating to Pupil Premium, please feel free to contact our Inclusion Manager Mrs. White or Mrs. Malone, our Head Teacher. If you would like a printed copy of these reports they are available from the school office on request.

Look what we received!  

This is a letter from Rt. Hon. David Laws MP, Minister of State for Schools honouring us with the Pupil Premium Awards 2015. It praises us as one of the most improved schools in the country in terms of the attainment and progress of our disadvantaged pupils since 2011.

How do we manage our Pupil Premium?

Regular parent contact

During the first term, Pupil Premium parents/carers are offered an initial meeting with the new class teacher to enable them to work closely together to meet the child’s needs from the beginning. At the Parent Consultation in Term 2, parent/carers are offered longer slots to give them extra time to address any needs and how these can be supported in school or at home. A parent questionnaire is issued in Term 4 and the feedback from parents used to form the basis of discussion at the Term 4 parent’s meeting. Where attendance becomes an issue, meetings are organised to support parent/carers where possible.

Achievement for All

Achievement for All is a whole school improvement programme that raises aspirations, access and achievement of children vulnerable to underachievement.  During Terms 1, 3 and 5 we hold one hour long structured conversations with targeted parents, discussing children’s strengths and areas to develop.

Pupil Passports

All our pupil premium children have ‘passports’ kept by the class teachers including input from parents and children. These are continued year on year by the new class teachers and provide an overall picture of all the support and provision the children have had at Sevenoaks Primary. They are also used to monitor and track progress.

Focused Attention

The progress of our Pupil Premium children is a focus in our School Improvement Plan –
Children who are vulnerable to underachievement have their primary need identified and measures are put in place so that they make good or better progress.
High quality first teaching and effective use of, immediate, positive feedback and targeted interventions ensures children make good progress.
Attendance of our most vulnerable pupils is regularly monitored and in line with the rest of the school.
Teachers use rapid intervention to target children on a daily basis and Provision Maps are used to plan regular provision. These are reviewed regularly throughout the year.
Children’s progress, attainment and areas for development are also focused on in Pupil Progress Meetings held with Class Teachers, the Headteacher, SENCo and Phase Leaders.  In addition to Pupil progress meetings held in terms 1, 3 and 5, specific Pupil Premium and SEN meetings will be held in term 4 to focus further on these children’s provision.
To support teachers further, children’s work is sampled and passports monitored. Further support is then put in place based on specific needs. 

Parental Survey 

The following are the results from a recent survey of the parents of Pupil Premium children, in which over half the families responded:

  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that their child felt happy and safe at school.
  • 100% agreed or strongly agreed that there is good communication with the school.
  • 91% agreed or strongly agreed that they were pleased with the additional provision and support their child receives.
  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that their child was making good progress.

How do we use the Pupil premium?

At Sevenoaks Primary School, we use a wide range of strategies and approaches to provide additional support for the ‘Pupil Premium’ targeted children. You will find below, highlights of the varied interventions, resources, packages and programmes, which we use to support the children.

Our proven track record...

Effective teacher feedback - ‘Assessment for Learning’

The most effective support that can be provided is through quality teaching by both the teachers and support staff. It is vital that the teaching staff provide direct and immediate feedback to pupils. By doing this, pupils can self-reflect in order to accelerate learning and progress.

Pupils are given specific guidance to scaffold ‘next steps’ and consolidate understanding. It is important for the school to plan, monitor and evaluate learning.

Social Communication

This is a small group intervention led by trained members of the support staff designed to develop social skills and aid peer interaction in a wide variety of social situations.

Sensory Circuits

A sensory motor skills programme designed to energise or settle pupils into the school day. This programme is delivered by trained support staff.

One-to-One Tuition/Small Group Support

Targeted at pupils in Upper Key Stage 2, the support is designed to ‘boost’ progress in Maths and/or English. The aim of this tuition is to ‘narrow the gap’ and support each pupil in achieving their potential by the end of the Key Stage.

Nurture Sessions

These sessions are delivered by our Learning Mentor and are designed to improve access to learning. The children are supported in their learning, emotional and social development through a variety of activities e.g. cooking.

Art and Music Therapy Sessions

The Art and Music Therapy sessions not only support well-being but self-esteem and confidence are also focussed upon.


We are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils. Supporting and promoting wellbeing, building resilience and good mental health will improve outcomes for our children.  Our Well-being team support children both in and out of the classroom.  This includes specialist sessions such as relax kids, draw and talk.

Targeted Teaching Assistant Support

Specific focused interventions to target accelerated progress across the curriculum in a high impact manner are delivered by our Teaching Assistant support team.

Supporting families

The school is committed to supporting parents, carers and families as well as individual pupils. If required, the ‘Pupil Premium’ is used to fund training or courses, specific to identified parents/carers, in order for them to help their child at home and with school life.  We have a Family Liaison Officer (FLO) who provides support for families when needed.

Nurture Breakfast Club

We support children who struggle to separate from their adult or take a while to settle in the mornings through inviting them to attend our breakfast club.  

Clubs and lessons 

For some children, access to clubs such as drama or judo and lessons such as violin or guitar, have provided a boost to their enjoyment of the school day. These clubs, specifically chosen in discussion with the class teacher and parents, also benefit children emotionally and socially.

School trips, visitors and residential visits 

When required, the funding is used for identified individual pupils who may not participate on or in an educational visit/activity due to disadvantage. Pupils have been supported through the funding to enable them to attend such activities with their peers

ICT Resources (Hardware & Software) 

Additional ICT equipment and resources have been purchased to support pupils. The school offers ICT as an alternative to writing which can enhance learning and engagement in pupils. Identified pupils have access to ICT more readily and are able to make choices about when/how ICT is used.

Food Technology (Cooking)

This programme has been designed to promote life skills, independence and self-esteem. Pupils take an active and practical role in food technology as well as discuss healthy living and diet. Cooking groups learn to share, work together and make exciting recipes.


Breakfast Club & Play 4 Ages 

When required, the funding is used to cover the cost of our extended school provision.

This also allows the children to engage in the full range of extra-curricular activities available before and after school.