

Our children’s lives have an increasingly digital nature. The games they play with, the way they communicate with friends and family and the adult world they will emerge into are driven by the same technologies. We want the children at our school to have a growing understanding of how these technologies work and how they can be used enjoyably, creatively and safely to support their education and personal development.

We deliver an ICT & Computing curriculum which gives the children a broad range of digital experiences and technical skills; these become progressively more challenging as they move through the school. The children’s growing digital abilities are then used to support cross-curricular teaching and learning. Children move on to their secondary school as confident and experienced users of the technologies that underpin their lives.

Click on the units below to view the attached Knowledge Organiser for that subject.

computing curriculum overview.pdf



Sevenoaks Primary Skills Progression ICT & Computing


Computing is a great strength of the school and children show a lot of enthusiasm for it. Our curriculum is comprised of strands such as coding, robots, Computer Aided Design (CAD), animation, presenting information etc. The children’s learning is moved on in a systematic way within each strand by planning increasingly challenging tasks as the children move up through the school.

In the suites

Every class has weekly time-tabled access to one of the two ICT suites. We have an extensive software library which allows children to learn about a variety of discrete Computing topics as well as enhancing their learning in other areas of the curriculum.

Around the school

We have sets of I-pads and laptops which are used to support children’s writing, deliver SEN interventions and for a range of cross-curricular purposes.

Portable, hand-held equipment supports learning in a range of subjects and places. Data-logging sensors allow children to measure sound levels and temperatures digitally in science investigations; this information can be displayed live on the interactive whiteboard so the whole class can discuss what is happening. Programmable vehicles help children to understand angles and shapes. Cameras are used by children to document their work and create animations.

Children begin learning how to write instructions for controlling robots in Reception by using Beebots. As they move up the school they use more sophisticated machines and in Years 5 and 6 they work with Lego Mindstorms robots, telling them how to navigate and to stop when they run into obstacles. 


The school has a range of online resources which allow children to benefit in many subject areas. For example, children use Bug Club to improve their reading skills and My Maths and Times Tables Rockstars to raise the standard of their maths.

Extra curricular

The ICT suites are used to run a number of clubs including Sketchup 3D design and Minecraft.



 Children progress through each unit as they are taught step by step to a final outcome. Using this prior knowledge, children then recap this and build on it each year. Our Year 6s leave us, competent and confident in their knowledge and skills of the primary curriculum.

As an example of progressive learning, in the CAD strand, children start their learning in Years 1 and 2 with Purple Mash’s 2Design and Make software. They learn how to use simple tools to manipulate 2D and 3D views of their work and create their own digital models of fire engines and castles to enrich their topic work.

When they reach Year 3, the children are introduced to Sketchup. They learn how to copy, group and move 3D building blocks using this more complex piece of software in order to build a digital pyramid as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic.

Children in Year 4 develop their Sketchup skills by learning to create simple 3D objects from scratch and then accurately assemble them to create a set of tables and chairs. They customise the colour and texture of the furniture then make plates, bowls and glasses of drink to set the table.

In Year 5 the children are taught to make a range of more complex shapes with which they create a snowman, Christmas tree and virtual presents. They then import a screenshot of their snowman into MS Publisher in order to create a Christmas card.

Finally, in Year 6, the children learn additional skills which they combine with all their prior learning to make a selection of delicious, digital treats including ice-cream cones, candyfloss and doughnuts.