School Council

At our school, the school council is very important.

Everyone benefits because all pupils can make suggestions about how to make school better or more fun and we try to act on them during the school year. The purpose of the school council is to improve the school as best we can and to raise money for the school or different charities.

In the school council there are 15 children, one from each class from Years 2-6. There are four allocated places: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

In our third meeting of the year we take votes to see who will be each role. Anyone can be any of these roles but the Chair and Vice Chair are usually from Year 6. School council meetings are taken by the Chair and Vice chair but are supported by Mrs Williams and Miss Broad.


Meetings take place every other Tuesday or Thursday from 12:10 to 12:30 when we talk about fun things we can do during school and ways to clean and improve the school.

We also read all the suggestion slips we have had during the week and decide the ones we can act on. We have a list that has all the great ideas that will be possible to do during the course of the year.

Also in our meetings, if the inter school council members have been on a trip somewhere they will give a report of what they had done. 

Painting School Values Stones

Some of the School Council members got busy in the sunshine at our new Outdoor Classroom painting stones and adding our school values to them.  These will be given out to other schools in the district and in return, we will receive stones with their school values displayed.